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Auckland Airport - 2012


The Estate encompasses 11 hectares of pasture, mature trees and landscaped grounds and involved the restoration of four heritage buildings with significant historical value. This included restoration of the 1850s Abbeville homestead (house and barn), siting consideration and restoration of relocated 1855 Westney house, and 1856 Westney Methodist Church. The landscape design process sought to establish a framework of spaces that provided an appropriate setting for all buildings and seamless integration of new interventions with existing elements. A framework focused on maintaining existing rural character and embracing a low impact rural /residential philosophy. The framework and outline concept design was expressed through a restrained palette of hard landscape materials, and a sympathetic, simple, strong contextual rural aesthetic with bold materials is integrated throughout. This also included the salvage and re-use of materials where possible, framed in a manner that provides new value and worth.
Photos by Kieran Scott Photography.

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