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Auckland Council - 2016


The design of Albany Stadium Pool was developed using bold design moves that draw upon three key contextual design drivers: the underlying stratified geology, the remnant native bush fragments and the area’s agricultural and horticultural heritage. The geomorphology of the local Waitemata Basin is expressed through sculpted terraces and batters, which carefully nestle the building form into the surrounding park landscape, and the stratified paving design along the front promenade. At the eastern end of the building the promenade follows the curve of the carpark edge and is diagonally intersected with a new path link to service an anticipated pedestrian desire line to the nearby bus interchange. To the west of the building a dense grid of trees and planting soften the service areas of the building. A gravel courtyard is designed to extend the use and capacity of the promenade in this area during peak times and events. Bespoke collaborated with Creative Spaces throughout the design process.

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